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Let us help you to understand and make the most of your personal financial situation.

We are a progressive business that offers a full suite of financial services to our clients. We are also a family orientated team with combined expertise putting our clients at the centre of our business, to achieve extraordinary results.

Our family helping your family.


Being a multi-disciplined organisation, we offer a unique value proposition to all of our clients.

Our aim is to provide intelligent solutions, up to date market information, excellent customer service, convenience and good value to our client base.

Since our group commenced in 2004 we have developed a sound understanding of our clients’ needs. We understand that Finances can be a complex and daunting area for most people. Our philosophy is to work with everyday Australians to help them to navigate and understand their financial transactions.


We believe we can help you find answers to your financial questions and we will help you to understand and make the most of your personal financial situation.


Click on any of our services to talk to one of our friendly staff in the area you need.

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Andre Thane Principal

Andre is the Founder and Principal of Thane Group.  His qualifications are in Financial Planning including registration with the Tax Practitioner’s Board, and Mortgage Broking.  Andre has a strong understanding of each business (and is well versed in each discipline) within Thane Group.  Andre’s wealth of knowledge and is always available to give guidance to our clients should they need, and he can relate complex topics in simple terms so that all of our clients can have sound understanding.


Qualifications: Diploma of Management; Cert IV in Financial Services (Finance/Mortgage Broking); Australian Credit Licence Holder – ACL 393186; Member of FBAA & AFCA; Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning; Registration with Tax Practitioner’s Board; James Andre Thane AR No. 320345; Thane Financial Planning AR No. 424655; Authorised Representative of Wealth Today Pty Ltd AFSL 340289


Mahli Thane

Mahli is an integral part of our connection to our clients and our market.  She understands all of the Thane Group businesses very well, and supports Andre in the marketing and administration of the business.  Mahli’s marketing expertise and dedication to Thane Group has been instrumental in developing the profile of our businesses and employees.  Mahli interacts with our clients on a higher level, such as customer feedback and customer management.  However, she is always accessible and always willing to help.


Qualifications: Cert IV Financial Services (Finance/Mortgage Broking); Diploma of Management


Driapl Shah

Dripal has been nominated for multiple industry awards, which is indicative of his results based approach to mortgage broking. Dripal delivers knowledge and expertise at the level of a seasoned finance broker. Dripal is well versed in residential lending, commercial lending and asset lending and has a sound understanding of the industry.


Qualifications: Masters of International Business Administration; Certificate IV Financial Services (Finance and Mortgage Broking): Member of FBAA & AFCA


Kylie Symonds

Kylie has been a successful broker for many years, and this is reflected in the depth of her knowledge and her achievements on behalf of her clients.  


Kylie has proven to be a real asset, bringing to the business her skills of accuracy, good communication and focus whilst building strong relationships with her clients.


Qualifications: Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management; Cert IV in Financial Services (Finance/Mortgage Broking): Member of MFAA & AFCA


Tanja Peschke

Tanja has a wealth of experience in business administration, that she has applied across several industries.


Her work as a Finance PA comes as second nature, and her commitment to our clients ensures that the customer experience is a positive one.


Marica Sumic

Marica is a valuable part of our Property Management team, recognised for her attention to detail and effective communication.


Friendly and approachable, Marica contributes to the efficient operation of our processes.


Wayne Pickersgill

Wayne is definitively one of the most personable individuals you will ever meet. He has a depth of knowledge across many industries and businesses, and is extremely well connected in most corners of the business world.


He has a sound understanding of the Thane Group as a business development manager, so if you have any questions on how you can connect with our business, he is a great person to talk to.


Marie Thane

Marie is our highly valued Financial Controller, in conjunction with her role as Human Resource Manager.  She has extensive skills in both areas, and is integral in keeping the business on track and operating harmoniously.  Marie is the quiet achiever of which the business could not function as effectively as it does without her expertise and dedication to the role.  Although our customers may not hear much from her, Marie is a highly valued member of the management team.


Qualifications: HR Specialist; Business Approved Financial Controller (Accounts, Payroll, Business Analyst)









Lillian Casely

Lillian holds a number of portfolios within the business and has been instrumental in the development of many facets of Thane Group.


She has been an outstanding leader within the businesses and continues to dedicate herself to the success of Thane Group.

Qualifications: Director/Licensee of Thane Property – RA64319; Real Estate Business Agent – RA76602; Diploma of Business Management; Certificate in Business Administration; Bachelor of Legal Studies; Bachelor of Criminology


Michelle Meldrum

Michelle is an extremely capable operator who has made a strong contribution to many facets of Thane Group.


She is adaptable and intelligent in her approach to getting things done, and applies herself well to the development of the Accounting business, whilst always being there for the team.


Qualifications: Diploma of Accounting; Cert IV Financial Services; Cert II Business; Member of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA


Anthony Yeo

Anthony has an analytical approach to his mortgage broking, and is very competent when it comes to working with numbers.  He has also received many accolades for his level of customer service, the combination of which makes him a successful broker.


Qualifications: Cert IV finance broking


Nidhi Prajapati

Nidhi is a dedicated Finance PA with focus on loan administration and customer service.


With her quiet efficiency, Nidhi assists in management of the loan process and bank communication with care and dedication, providing consistent and valuable support to our clients.


Emily Pilkington

Emily is a delightful person with strong communication skills, who takes a calm and steady approach to her work.


This allows her to handle matters effectively and efficiently.


Emily’s consistent approach is an asset to the Property Management team.


Doc Casely

Doc has been a long standing patriarch of Thane Group, with his depth of experience and knowledge in the industries that we operate in, and his sensible and personable approach to business.Doc has played a major role in the development of Thane Group from its early years and continues to be a valuable mentor and contributor to the direction of the business.​


Qualifications: Attorney, Conveyancer & Notary Public (South Africa); Diploma in Financial Services (Conveyancing); Licensed Settlement Agent; Director & Person in Bona Fide Control of Thane Conveyancing Pty Ltd; Member of the Australian Institute of Conveyancers WA; Certified Practising Conveyancer




Tia Murray

Tia has an incredible focus and diligence in the way she operates, and has achieved incredible results for the business.


Tia has applied herself to her development and to realise her potential, and will play a pivotal role in Thane Group moving forward.

Qualifications: Cert IV Business Management; Diploma of Business Management; Cert IV Property Services (Real Estate)


Sharon Yates

Sharon is an experienced and professional mortgage broker, who takes a very personable approach with her clients.  

She has achieved some outstanding results for clients in their wrestle with the banks.  Sharon’s ability to understand her clients and her determination to deliver for them has been a real credit to our business.


Qualifications: Diploma of Financial services (Finance / Mortgage Broking Management); Certificate IV in Financial Services (Finance / Mortgage Broking Management); Member of MFAA & AFCA


Liam Peschke

Liam takes an energetic approach to Finance, and he is at the cutting edge of the education requirements, having obtained his qualifications recently.


He has excellent customer service skills to add to his knowledge, and has achieved some outstanding results for our clients.


Qualifications: Cert IV Finance / Mortgage Broking


Roxy Koeman

Roxy brings a new energy to Conveyancing and is an efficient administrator.


She is an excellent support to the team, and her customer service skills are an asset to Thane Group.


Courtney Thane

Courtney is the intelligent operator behind our social networking and marketing.  Her skills in graphic design, design and marketing have helped to take the Thane Group message to the public.


Courtney has been the silent achiever in the background of our social media and though you may not hear much from her, you will certainly see her marketing presence.


Qualifications: Bachelor of Design (Graphic Design); Bachelor of Design (Architecture)

Let us help you to understand and make the most of your finances.

This website is published by James Andre Thane and Thane Financial Planning PTY Ltd.

James Andre Thane AR No. 320345 and Thane Financial Planning Pty Ltd
AR No. 424655 are authorised representative of Wealth Today Pty Ltd (ABN 62 133 393 263) AFSL 340289

The information contained in this website and any of the resources available through it including eBooks, fact sheets and seminars (‘Content’) has been prepared for general information purposes only and is not (and cannot be construed or relied upon as) personal advice. No investment objectives, financial circumstances or needs of any individual have been taken into account in the preparation of the Content. Financial products entail risk of loss, may rise and fall, and are impacted by a range of market and economic factors, and you should always obtain professional advice to ensure trading or investing in such products is suitable for your circumstances. Under no circumstances will any of [Corporate Authorised Rep name] Pty Ltd, [Licensee] Pty Ltd, its officers, representatives, associates or agents be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct, incidental or consequential, caused by reliance on or use of the Content. This content is restricted to Australian residents and is for the intended recipient only. From time to time [Adviser name] [and/or] [CAR name] Pty Ltd representatives or associates may hold interest in or transact in companies or products mentioned herein, and may receive fees or other benefits, in connection with the making of any recommendation or facilitating a transaction in such companies or products.

James Andre Thane AR No. 320345
Thane Financial Planning Pty Ltd
AR No. 424655
Authorised Representatives of
Wealth Today Pty Ltd AFSL 340289


James Andre Thane ACL 393186
Thane Finance Pty Ltd

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